Community can mean many different things. As you explore the pieces below, think about what a community can accomplish that an individual can not. What is the value of community? What effect does community have on you?
After experiencing the work below, you are invited to comment on each piece, then express yourself through art, film, writing, or music and composition. You can base your work on the pieces below, create a mashup, or submit an original piece.
Community - Film
Community - Song
For the Community Theme Song with Lyrics use the player below:
For the Community Theme Song with No Lyrics use the player below:
Community - Writing
"Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead
Contribute Your Work
2 Ask questions.
3 Express your thoughts.
4 Contribute your own creative work.
- Upload Art and Photos
- Upload Audio
- Upload Video
- Submit your Writing
5 Change the world.