Terms of Use & Privacy
Welcome to the BEYOND WALLS website, an online community devoted to creative expression for young artists and discussion about important themes. There are a few guidelines that you will need to agree with in order to in order to participate. Please carefully read through the following.
BEYOND WALLS ONLINE wants young artists to have a place to share their original creative works about important themes in a monitored, safe environment. This website has no means to communicate privately, user to user. All communications are in open, comment areas. Although this site is strictly monitored, BEYOND WALLS ONLINE and the owners, MetaFour Productions, makes no guarantee about the identity of the users and all users hold MetaFour Productions and BEYOND WALLS ONLINE harmless.
BEYOND WALLS ONLINE is not a site for non-original work or work that is taken or shared from another site that you did not create. This website is not a forum to express political or religious views, although if in the context of unique art works, these topics may come up. Works or comments that are deemed by common sense and decency to be hateful or obscene will be removed immediately and the account revoked.
We believe you can change the world and hope you do too. We also believe that dialogue between people is important to gain a deeper understanding of one another and that ultimately, this dialogue and the sharing of personal works will yield tolerance.
BEYOND WALLS is for any student of high school age or younger. You will need to verify that you have your parent’s permission to participate if you are under 13 years of age. BEYOND WALLS community members are responsible and thoughtful. You will also need to promise to only upload your original work.
We know that there are adults, such as teachers, youth leaders, and parents who often participate in creating art as a well. While the site itself is designed for young people, you will find some adult-created art on this site because the work fits within our themes and the adults want to share their work with youth. Teachers and youth leaders may also sign up for a “group” or project account where they can manage the art uploads for students. Commenting is disabled for teacher or project/group accounts as dialogue is intended for students. There is an area for teachers to discuss issues and share, and students may not comment in that area.
The BEYOND WALLS community is founded upon trust, kindness, and openness. Comments should be encouraging to other members, not discouraging or mean-spirited. Like moms and dads all over the world have said since the beginning of time, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Hateful or obscene images or language, including cursing and name calling, will result in a revoked account. Period.
If this is not how you wish to conduct yourself in the world or on this website, please do not participate or even create an account. All BEYOND WALLS community members hold a responsibility to alert the site administrator if they become aware of misuse of this website or on this website by any person. Please, always contact the site administrator with your concerns. Individuals who misuse, abuse, or bully will have their account immediately revoked.
There is also a special area for teachers and youth leaders that have resources and guides. See below for what you can take and for what purposes.
Student Work
ALL student work that is uploaded to this site is shared with the BEYOND WALLS community within this website but is owned by the artist, regardless of age, and may not be duplicated, reproduced, or distributed in ANY way. Permissions may be requested through the BEYOND WALLS administrator.
Beyond Walls Thematic Models
The thematic model films, music, photographs, artwork, and writing may be used freely in an educational, non-commercial setting (schools classrooms, after-school programs, church programs, youth clubs and programs, etc.) as long as credit is given to BeyondWallsOnline.org. Individual students may also participate.
No work may be altered without permission. All BEYOND WALLS thematic model materials contained in this website are protected by international trademark and copyright laws and must only be used for educational, non-commercial purposes. This means that you may only view or download material from this website for non-commercial educational use with students and you must keep all copyright, credits, and other proprietary notices attached to the downloaded material.
The sale or reproduction, duplication, distribution (including by way of e-mail, facsimile or other electronic means), publication, modification, copying or transmission of material from this website is STRICTLY PROHIBITED unless you have obtained the prior written consent of BEYOND WALLS & MetaFour Productions or unless it is expressly permitted by this website. The material covered by this prohibition includes, without limitation, any text, graphics, logos, photographs, audio or video material or stills from audiovisual material available on this website. Requests for permission to reproduce or distribute in digital form the online materials found on this website for non-educational use may be made by contacting MetaFour Productions in writing MetaFour Productions, 2189 Fern Dell Place, Los Angeles, CA 90068 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We reserve the right to change this policy at any time. Please check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of the BEYOND WALLS ONLINE website following the posting of changes to this policy will mean you accept those changes.
As a non-commercial entity, BEYOND WALLS ONLINE does not use or sell private information of its registered users. No ads are on the BEYOND WALLS website and any commercial interests or promotions are simply in the form of creative tools that students and teachers may be interested in knowing about. The BEYOND WALLS administrators reserve the right to contact users via email, if necessary.
Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online. You should never voluntarily disclose personally identifiable information about yourself in comments, artwork, or in anything that you post or upload.
Copyright---2010 MetaFour Productions, Inc.